
Hotel International Brno
Husova 16, 659 21 Brno
Czech Republic

How to get to Brno

You can comfortably get here by air, bus, train or car. Please see instructions below. We recommend checking the traveler's websites' (below) before the trip, due to the current world situation.

  • Brno - Tuřany Airport
    Visitors of Brno can use International Airport Brno-Tuřany, which provides flights to London/Stansted and other charter destinations. The airport is located 12km/20 minutes from the city center and you can easily take a taxi or the express bus, which is directly located outside the entrance to the airport terminal.
    Brno 904/1, Tuřany, Czech Republic, Phone: +420 545 521 111
    Visitors can use the International Prague Airport, and Brno is also well connected to the international airport in Vienna (Austria).
  • Vienna International Airport
    There is no direct flight from Vienna to Brno because of too short distance. Easiest transportation from Vienna airport to Brno is with bus operator RegioJet. Tickets are available to purchase online at the website.
    Einfahrtsstrasse, Schwechat 1300, Republic of Austria, Phone: +43-1-7007-0
  • Václav Havel Airport Prague
    Easiest transportation from Prague is with bus operator RegioJet. Tickets are available to purchase online at the website.
    K Letišti 6/1019, 160 08, Prague 6, Phone: +420-220-111-888.

RegioJet is a reliable bus and train company.
Universal bus/train search engine and public transport planner -


Brno is located on the main Czech highway D1 and D2. For highways and some bigger roads it is necessary to have a highway sticker, which is for sale at the border crossing, petrol stations, post offices and in the motor clubs.
Maps link

About the Area


CEITEC leads a path to global scientific recognition through science based on synergy and collaboration, in order to achieve a regional knowledge-based economy. CEITEC has been created to catalyse the existing basic and applied research in South Moravia to reach new levels. Its purpose is not only to provide its researchers with the best equipment and new laboratory facilities, but to engage in scientific discovery at a glo¬bally competitive level. To achieve this, CEITEC is aiming to retain and recruit scientifically talented people which can address important research questions.
The building of CEITEC was awarded as Building of the Year 2014.

About Brno

Brno is a center of South Moravia and a country city of the South Moravian Region. With its 400 000 inhabitants it is after Prague 2nd biggest city in the Czech Republic. Brno is also a center of judicial power, which separated geographically from the legislative power, and it has a significant tradition of trade fairs and congresses too. The city is focused on science, research and innovations and is well-know for a very important scientist – Gregor Johann Mendel. You can find here 14 universities and Brno is on the list of Top 10 Erasmus Cities. There are many theatres, museums, and galleries and free time activities. There is a great system of public transport, high quality services or an excellent beer for 1 € as well.
Explore Brno and check out a tourist portal. You can get a Brnopass here.

What to see in Brno?
Vila Tugendhat
Spilberk Castle
Mendel Museum of Masaryk University
Cathedral of St Peter and Paul
Central European Exhibition Centre
Old Town Hall

#brnoregion - the place to find information on the innovation ecosystem of Brno and South-Moravia.

This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 871037, project iNEXT-Discovery. This website reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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